The Practice of Thanksgiving: Real Talk about Gratitude and Mental Health with a Christian Therapist
Mary Ann Konstas, MS, Ed.S, LMHC Mary Ann Konstas, MS, Ed.S, LMHC

The Practice of Thanksgiving: Real Talk about Gratitude and Mental Health with a Christian Therapist

The Thanksgiving feast ushers in the holiday season, reminding us that this special time of year has arrived! These months are marked by both intense consumption and, hopefully, thoughtful contemplation. Favorite meals are enjoyed, black Friday deals are purchased, programs are planned, miles are traveled and somewhere in the midst of all of that, Thanksgiving reminds us to search for reasons to be grateful. For many, this is a welcome exercise, but for others, gratitude can feel elusive. So, why is gratitude so important, and how can we prioritize it, regardless of our circumstances?

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